Mountain Weather UK goes live!

AppIcon1024-512It’s been 12 months in the making and over the last 4 months I haven’t even had time to post on this blog because all my spare time has been devoted to finishing and finally publishing my mountain weather app. Well, finally I am excited to announce the release of Mountain Weather UK, the first and only mobile phone app dedicated to mountain weather in the UK.

Simulator Screen Shot 24 Oct 2015 11.23.42_iphone6_gold_side2The App is entirely written in Xamarin Forms using all the things I have blogged about so far. There have been quite a lot of design changes which I have made over the last 4 months to get the app to where it is now and I am very pleased with the results. I have kept the design very clean and simple and taken much inspiration from Material Design. Here are some of the features in the App.

Mountain Area Forecasts

5-day forecasts for all UK mountain regions providing daily forecast summaries, freezing levels, high and low level temperatures, wind speed and directions, visibility, hill fog and mountain hazards.

Mountain Summit Forecasts

5-day forecasts for all major mountain summits in the UK with 3 hourly forecasts covering weather type, temperature, wind speeds, gusts and direction, visibility, precipitation probability, humidity and UV. Easily find mountain summits using the search feature, including regional maps of all major summits.

Weather Station Observations

24-hour observation data for all weather stations in each mountain area, including, Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction and Humidity, including regional maps of all observation stations.

Weather Forecast Maps

36-hour weather forecast Maps including precipitation, cloud, temperature and surface pressure and synoptic pressure charts.


Recent weather forecasts and weather station observations for quick access to all your favourite weather forecast and observational locations.

Nearest Locations

Nearest geographical area and mountain forecasts from your current location. Automatically updated depending on your location.

I hope to be sharing with you over my next few posts some of the things I have learnt and experienced over the last 4 months to get this app to the app stores. It’s been quite some journey!

Download now on iPhone from the Apple App Store or on Android from Google Play or visit the website at

12 thoughts on “Mountain Weather UK goes live!

  1. Great work! I went to buy it to support all your hard efforts but it’s iOS9 and I haven’t upgraded my main iPhone yet but I’ll download it later on my iPad. Website looks great as well! Best of luck with it.


  2. Thanks Steve. Yes I just realised I set the Deployment Target to 9. My bad. I’m going to publish an update to support earlier versions. Do you have any advice on this? What is the recommended earliest Deployment Target and what should the SDK version be set to (I only see Default and 9 for this) ? Hopefully get an update out today, and then it will be a few days for Apple to approve.


  3. Hi Jonathan, I usually try and support at least the last two versions for iOS. So I’d set your iOS Application -> Deployment Target to 8.0 (or even 7.1 if you’re not using any new 8 or 9 APIs and you’re feeling confident ;-)) and the iOS Build -> SDK Target to 9.x Let’s meet up for a beer soon!


  4. Thanks. I have someone trying to install it on iPhone 4 running x.7.1, so I was going to set the Deployment Target to 7.0 to be safe. I’m not using anything fancy from 8 or 9 (I don’t think), so do you think this should be ok or should I go for 7.1 ?

    Definitely need a beer after all this!


  5. I’d just do 7.1 I’m away at the moment but I can test it later in the week on a real device if you want (we can use to distribute) otherwise just give it a quick test in the Simulator if you can and push it out to Apple! 😉 Beer sounds good, I’ll send you an email to arrange.


  6. Great work Jonathan. You don’t know this…but you’re my Xamarin Form teacher! It would be great to view the last version of your source code…The UI of your app is really beautiful 🙂 …however…thank you for your posts!


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